14 February 2010

Day 2: first semi-successful nap!

I spent most of the day out of the house today, but managed to find time for all my naps. It's too early to make any conclusions, but so far the logistics of taking 3 naps a day seem manageable, if somewhat annoying and at times expensive. So far my MO for napping out in the wild has been to go to Starbucks and order a warm milk. In warmer weather, sleeping homeless-style on grass or on benches, where they can be found, could be feasible, but for the time being I can't think of any indoor places where I can nap for free without fear of being disturbed. In any case the extra four hours a day of wakefulness I get should vastly outweigh any of these inconveniences.

I've been continued to be surprised by my lucidity and alertness throughout my second day on this schedule. I didn't feel significantly more tired than yesterday, with the exception of the morning, when it was damn hard to wake up after 3 hours of sleep. What's more, my third nap of the day definitely involved some sleep, although I don't think I actually managed a full cycle of REM sleep. With luck, I may start successfully napping without even going through any particularly painful period of sleep deprivation. Tomorrow, I think, is when I'll find out how this is going to play out.