20 February 2010

Day 8: epic failure

God dammit. I slept like 9 hours last night.

I don't remember exactly when, but I was trying to read in my room sometime between 12am and 1am, and I was thinking it was really cold in my room so I decided to sit up in bed to read until I warmed up. Before I knew it I had laid down to get more comfortable, turned out the lights, and decided to go to bed early but wake up at 7.  Now, I had been thinking about going to sleep at 2:30 but still waking up at 7, so it's not like this was entirely unplanned, although I'm not sure whether it was 2:30 by the time I turned out the lights, and even if not I had already failed by sleeping a bit before then.

Of course, I didn't wake up at 7 - well, I did, but I quickly turned off my alarm and went back to bed until nearly 10.

It was a hard night to stay awake because the past three days had been very busy at work, and the last two nights I couldn't get to bed at 4 because I had too much work I was so tired yesterday that .  But I'm still pretty disappointed with myself.  Here's what I'll do from now on to prevent this from happening:

  • Don't get into bed just because I'm cold.  Instead put on more clothes, drink something warm, maybe do some calisthenics to warm up my body.
  • If whatever I'm doing isn't keeping my interest and it's not something I absolutely have to do at that time, switch to something that I'll enjoy more, like watching TV.
  • On weekends, put my alarm somewhere where I'll have to get out of bed to turn it off.
Just calculated how much sleep I've gotten in the past week in order to make myself feel better.  The total comes out to around 35 hours compared to the over 50-60 hours I'd get in a regular week.  35 is better than how most people in the community did when they were starting out Everyman (although many of them did the 4.5-hour + 2 nap version).  Maybe I shouldn't feel so bad about myself.

Oh yeah, also that nap from yesterday.  I took it.  And a few extra, although that apparently wasn't enough to keep me from catastrophically failing later that day.

Days are so short when you don't wake up at 7.  I better get started on all the work I have to do this weekend.

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